Wednesday, July 17, 2013


So I got to come back for a second visit!  And this time I insisted that we take some better pictures!!  This morning was quite an experience again with all the daily adventures in the operating room.  I had the pleasure of observing the removal of infection underneath the eyelids of a 4 year-old, removal of a tumor from a 17 year old girl's breast, a lumbar puncture, and even a birth by cesarean section!  Of course we took a short break in the middle to drink some Mate, talk, and eat some crackers.  A good mornin's work I'd say!

(The poor woman getting operated on ...she was sleeping and unfortunately didn't get to smile for the picture.  So I smiled for her and I send her many thanks for being on my blog even though I am sure she hasn't a clue that I even took a picture.  Oh well, she is safe with us :)
Dr. Jaime and I.  Lookin' stellar!

1 comment:

  1. You look awesome in those scrubs, Sistah! :) Stephany
