Wednesday, July 17, 2013


So I got to come back for a second visit!  And this time I insisted that we take some better pictures!!  This morning was quite an experience again with all the daily adventures in the operating room.  I had the pleasure of observing the removal of infection underneath the eyelids of a 4 year-old, removal of a tumor from a 17 year old girl's breast, a lumbar puncture, and even a birth by cesarean section!  Of course we took a short break in the middle to drink some Mate, talk, and eat some crackers.  A good mornin's work I'd say!

(The poor woman getting operated on ...she was sleeping and unfortunately didn't get to smile for the picture.  So I smiled for her and I send her many thanks for being on my blog even though I am sure she hasn't a clue that I even took a picture.  Oh well, she is safe with us :)
Dr. Jaime and I.  Lookin' stellar!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Hospital Visit

A lovely Friday morning got going early with a pleasant trip to the local hospital.  Doesn't everyone dream about starting their Friday in the operating room?  Well actually I was quite thrilled to be there especially by invitation.

Fortunately... they weren't operating on me.

I had expressed an interest in studying medicine to a fellow member of the municipal band who just so happens to be an anesthesiologist at the local hospital and a few clinics in the area.  So I had the awesome opportunity of getting a first hand experience and observation of the medical field here in Argentina.  At least a glimpse.. but it was fascinating!

So there was prospective doctor Lindsay in the General Pico hospital at 8 in the morning not knowing what to expect but ready for whatever Dr. Jaime had up his sleeve!!! When he arrived we went quickly into the locker rooms and I was given the hospital scrubs (in yellow) and little cloth booties to put over my shoes.  I had not realized that they were actually going to let me in to see the surgeries!!!

Minutes later, there was Lindsay with the opportunity to observe 3 different surgeries from inside the rooms where they were operating!! Mostly I sat in on the removal of la vesicula which had stones in it.  The man had a hole in his stomach and I, entirely fascinated, peered around the doctors (a few steps behind and quietly, so as not to be a distraction) to watch as they probed around in the hole with instruments to remove it.  However the doctors were using a camera so they used the screen to see what they were doing while there hands were controlling the instrument.  It seemed like something that would certainly take a lot of practice.  His heart rate went up a little bit when they finally brought it out through the hole.  They then cut it open and removed the stones and put them in a little glass vile.  It was absolutely awesome!  They did offer me a stool in case I felt a wee bit woozy, but quite the contrary my friends!  I was curious about everything!  In the other rooms I watched a little bit of family planning (as in surgery on a dad who is not going to have more children), and then I watched them remove liquid from the lungs of a small child with pneumonia.  Dr. Jaime showed me his charango, flute, and other instruments that he uses to calm the patients before the surgeries or giving them anesthesia.  After all the bigger surgeries for the morning he went and did a quick stomach endoscopy.  When the morning work was done I was invited to sit for a little while and drink a few Mates to finish off a lovely experience of the medical field in an Argentine hospital and when I asked to take a picture he asked if I would come back again and we would take a good picture.   I snapped a quick picture of myself anyway in the doctor scrubs before I went back to being Lindsay in street clothes.  That way I have evidence until I return and can take a better picture with the doctors!!

Yep.  That's me attempting to get a picture of the scrubs but encountering much difficulties in doing so.  But it serves its purpose :)


The leap into a new culture is riddled with unknowns, discoveries, misunderstandings, which hopefully become the foreground of intercultural tolerance, understanding, and growth.  The first 5 months of my exchange have been filled with valuable life experiences and for that matter, some challenges.    Last week Tuesday I switched host families and well, host houses too, because host families live in different houses (obviously).   Sometimes things don't work out as expected and there are misunderstandings that occur.  For this reason, my prior host family and I came to the mutual decision to have me change families in order that everyone can make the year the best experience possible.

Henceforth, I am now living in the same city but with a different family who I continue to feel more comfortable with as I spend more time and have kindly accepted me into their family!  I continue to have a good relationship with my prior family, but I believe that it is the change was the best option moving forward.
So, I assure everyone who has been concerned, that Lindsay is doing well and continues to enjoy the incredible experience here in the plains of Argentina!

I am thankful for the Velazquez Mackenzie family for everything they taught me, for the kindness of opening up their house to me in order to know Argentina, and for looking out for my best interests.  I am thankful for the Filippini/Civalero family for inviting me and accepting me into their family on such short notice! I am thankful for my wonderful American and Argentine friends!!  And I am always thankful for my wonderful family (of blood jaja) who are always able to give me positive advice and keep me calm when the storms come.