Thursday, March 28, 2013

Republica de El Salvador (my school)

Sorry I have been such a slacker, school started about a month ago!  School in a foreign country.  I started forming expectations in my head but really had no idea of what it would be like.   The things I had been told:
-the teachers move, not you
-school year is early March to mid-December
-you stick with the same class all the time
- the school classes are divided by interests (social oriented, economics, mechanical, nature (science oriented), and so forth)

However, there is so much more to it than that!  Okay, the first couple days I could sort of understand the professors if I really concentrated, but most of it went over my head.  The first couple days indeed caused a few concentration headaches which called for much needed siestas (naps).  I do not have the same material every day at school.  It switches around but at least stays consistent every week. 

Some interesting things about my school experience (so far):

- Every morning we gather and raise the Argentine flag (to respect the country and its principles) sort of like saying the pledge.  The students with the top grades raise it.
- There is morning class and evening class.  I am a lucky duck (or at least in my mind) and have school in the morning.  So on Monday and Tuesday I go from 7:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  and on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, we go to school from 7:45 to 12:15.  Gosh it feels like we have half days all the time!  (I get to take a nap after school!!  Crazy!!)
- I was really shocked when a dog happened to walk into our classroom in the middle of class!  In my mind I was thinking "what in the world!  This is so cool!" Apparently it is very normal and the dog that came gets a new name every day!

-The people who work at the school and take attendance and monitor bring around boxes full of French bread every day!  How fattening!  I try to avoid it, but some people eat about 4 every day!   It made me laugh heartily the first time they asked me if I wanted pan (bread).  Sorry for the terrible picture, but its bread and I am sure you can fill the details that are blurry with your imagination.
There is also a kiosk instead of vending machine where there are loads of candy, juice, ham and cheese sandwiches, whole bags of cookies.  The also sell soda, but they fill up a cup for you, they don't actually give you a bottle.
We do wear uniforms.  I must say I look like a nun.  At least I think so.
The student from Japan and I in our aula (classroom), being approved by the student behind us.
Oh, at school almost everyone has blackberry cell phones it is like the iphone at Oconomowoc high school. 
So that is sort of school, there are those who like to study and a lot who don't and just like to party, but it is still school.  There are good professors and boring ones so in such respect it is like school as I have know.  However we do a lot more group work and people like to "share work"  also known as cheat or have one person do the work and it is considered completely normal.  This is tough for me but I will do my own work anyhow.  It is certainly different and I often realize that if I am not concentrating that I am not really listening and probably missed something important but oh well... I will get better.  Such is the school experience from the perspective of Lindsay at this point in time.  I am sure it will change and I can't really explain everything.  At least it is an idea!! 

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